1. Linked List implementation in Java
2. Other Linked List Problems
a. Reverse a Linked List
b. Get Nth element from the end of a linked list.
c. Check if a linked list is a palindrome
3. Queue implementation in Java using Linked List.
4. Stack implementation in Java using Linked List.
5. Binary Search Tree implementation in Java
6. Other Binary Tree Problems
a. Compare two binary trees
b. Convert a binary tree to a doubly linked list
c. Build binary tree from preorder traversal and inorder traversal
d. Build NL tree from preorder traversal
e. Convert each level of a binary tree into a linked list
f. Non recursive tree traversal using stack
g. Descending order traversal of binary search tree
7. Hash Table implementation using separate chaining
8. Other Problems
a. Multiple Producer Consumer Problem
b. Pattern Matching
c. Find if a number is divisible by 3
d. Calculate x^m in O(log m) time
e. De duplicate array in O(n) time
f. Reverse factorial
g. Shuffle a pack of 52 cards
h. Find the intersection of 2 arrays
i. Find duplicate elements in a array
j. Set bit count
2. Other Linked List Problems
a. Reverse a Linked List
b. Get Nth element from the end of a linked list.
c. Check if a linked list is a palindrome
3. Queue implementation in Java using Linked List.
4. Stack implementation in Java using Linked List.
5. Binary Search Tree implementation in Java
6. Other Binary Tree Problems
a. Compare two binary trees
b. Convert a binary tree to a doubly linked list
c. Build binary tree from preorder traversal and inorder traversal
d. Build NL tree from preorder traversal
e. Convert each level of a binary tree into a linked list
f. Non recursive tree traversal using stack
g. Descending order traversal of binary search tree
7. Hash Table implementation using separate chaining
8. Other Problems
a. Multiple Producer Consumer Problem
b. Pattern Matching
c. Find if a number is divisible by 3
d. Calculate x^m in O(log m) time
e. De duplicate array in O(n) time
f. Reverse factorial
g. Shuffle a pack of 52 cards
h. Find the intersection of 2 arrays
i. Find duplicate elements in a array
j. Set bit count