Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Java program to convert a binary tree to a doubly linked list, in place

Algorithm :
The problem can be solved recursively.
1. Convert the left subtree into a doubly linked list
2. Convert the right subtree into doubly linked list
3. root.left= the rightmost node of the left subtree in the doubly linked list
4. root.right=the leftmost node of the right subtree in the doubly linked list
5 return root.
At the end of recursion, from the main routine, traverse to the leftmost node
which gives the headnode of the doubly linked list.

public TreeNode treeToDoublyLinkedList(TreeNode root)
// Converts a tree to doubly linked list, in place

{//Stop condition for recursion
// If the tree is null, resulting DLL is also null
return null;

TreeNode leftsubtree=treeToDoublyLinkedList(root.left);
TreeNode rightsubtree=treeToDoublyLinkedList(root.right);



return root;


1 comment:

myk said...

failed for

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